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(used with permission from Jordanne Dervais)

Counting it down, are you prepared??

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Adventures!

Happy New Year y'all!  I hope you all are doing well.  Now for those that know me, know I don't do resolutions so much, but I do set goals of what I would like to accomplish.  This year, I am pretty proud of my list:
  • yell less, listen more, practice more compassionate parenting tactics
  • get house clean and organized - get rid of the clutter
  • be more forthcoming about my feelings/talk more/initiate more instead of shutting down
  • treat 10yo like a young adult not a kid
  • trim our expenses in anyway possible
  • start an emergency savings fund

I have done quite a bit of reflection on how I parent and I can see i am doing it all wrong.  I need to be patient and listen and remember my children are just that, children.  They do not know everything, they are not perfect and concepts that are common sense to me are second nature to them.  That is not a reason to raise my voice to them or punish them.

Cleaning up and clearing out!  This year is all about simplifying  y'all.  We are steadily clearing junk out, sorting through clothes we don't need and bagging up  toys.  And this year, I will not fill the empty space back up

In an effort to trim expenses, today a dear friend and I made 2 gallons of homemade laundry detergent and 1 gallon of homemade bleach alternative.  I just used them in a load of laundry and let me tell y'all, they work and smell great!!!!

Detergent Recipe - initial cost about $8, subsequent batches about $2
Bleach Alternative Recipe - initial cost about $2

Fabric Softener:
6 cups water
3 cups white vinegar
2 cups hair conditioner
mix in a bottle and shake well!

Also, we are refining how we grocery shop and utilizing the dollar store and international markets as well as the meat market.  We have a stock of so much on hand my last grocery trip for the week was $26.

I think me and 2012 are off to a great start!!

Do you make resolutions? If so, what ones did you make this year?

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