Brighter Planet's 350 challenge Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
(used with permission from Jordanne Dervais)

Counting it down, are you prepared??

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Fall Garden

Prep for the fall garden is well underway!  We have planted some spinach and lettuce that is sprouting now and will be moved to a coldframe later.  The coldframe is currently being "lasagna composted" and we will use clear plastic or a tarp to cover.  I am also inheriting 2 of each broccoli and cauliflower plants from a friend.  One of the roma bush beans failed to thrive and I have 3 more that are sprouting nicely.  Hopefully the fall garden will lead to a more bountiful harvest than the summer one did.

My yellow plum tomatoes are still producing and little clusters of tomatoes are hanging like grapes. Hopefully they all ripen at the same instead of one at a time.  I have 1 eggplant that is still producing, they other 2 have stopped and 1 pepper plant that is still trying.  The herbs are doing great, still have peppermint, chocolate mint, rosemary, basil and lemon thyme.

Summer Garden Summary:

Reasons for conclusion:
Definitely not self sustaining, most of the veggies failed to produce, were eaten by the hen or destroyed by the dogs.  

Notes for next year:
Utilize space in front yard, fence off chicken run, barriers around garden, plant more

Monday, September 12, 2011

Preparedness 101: Food Storage

Long Term food storage tips:

  • if storing glass containers (such as canning jars) stoe in the jar box with the partitions in it. this keeps the jars out of the light and keeps them from knocking together as much in the event of an earthquake.  Also can be stored in a box with vaccuum sealed bags of stuff (tea bags, sugar, etc) in between jars
  • keep bags of dried beans or rice (or any grains, sugar, etc) in metal popcorn tins. this keeps the critters out
  • always rotate your stock!  home bottled water should be drained and refilled every 6 months.  put oldest cans up front with newest in the back that way you use the older stuff first.

September is National Preparedness Month.  Check out Survival Doc for more info on preparedness skills!  Be ready for the Zombie Apocolypse, economic collapse, natural disasters, etc.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Preparedness Challenge - Week 1

When it comes to preparedness, it isn't all or nothing, you can do it one task at a time. Although I would say the more you can do the better.  It doesn't matter what you are preparing for - whether it be a natural disaster or zombie apoolypse - the prep is the same. This week, I challenge you to begin  just one thing or add to what you are currently doing.  Examples include but are not limited to:
  • saving water
  • canning/saving bulk food
  • making a first aid kit
  • planting a garden
  • living without electricity/off grid
  • educating others on being prepared

This week, I started seeds for the garden:  lettuce, spinach & broccoli. Also I added quite a few things to the "disaster closet" (where we keep our bottled water and extra food) and researched herbal remedies for burns.

Join the Challenge

To join the Preparedness Challenge, just write a post on something you did this week to prepare and then link up below or leave a comment. Even one thing a week adds up and it will encourage you to do even more! And by participating in the challenge, it will get you thinking about prepping on a regular basis. 

Please only post on preparedness topics. And be sure to take the Preparedness Challenge picture and add it to your blog so others know you're participating and hopefully they'll join up, too!

challenge taken from: Homestead Revival

Thursday, September 1, 2011

National Preparedness Month

In honor of Sept 11, 2001 September was made National Preparedness Month.  While I think we need to be focused on being prepared year round, bringing this into the spotlight is a good thing.  With the recent earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes & floods, we need to come to grips with the fact we may need to fend for ourselves for more than a couple days - maybe a couple weeks.  I know everyone thinks of stocking food and water, but what about your medications?  If you know of a storm coming your way, go refill your prescription, you do not want to run out of heart meds or insulin during an emergency situation.  Do you have bandaids or ace bandages?  Do you have aspirin or ibuprofen?  Betadine, alcohol & peroxide?  Do you need to check your kit?

Here's links to some sites that have a wealth of info:

And also a store that sells bulk and emergency preparedness items:

What do you have in your preparedness kit?  What items do you recommend that aren't listed?  Are you prepared for a natural or manmade disaster?  What did you/are you doing to prepare?